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Showing results 231-240 of 371 for universal design for learning

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  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2023

    Learn about the CALM, or Choose Accessible Learning Materials initiative helping drive digital accessibility at Virginia Tech in the latest episode.

  • Screenshot of the Udio dashboard

    The Center for Emerging Technologies seeks to leverage the learning sciences and emerging technologies to develop a flexible reading environment that meets the needs of students who vary in their reading skills and motivation.

  • Wednesday, October 16, 2019

    CAST released a statement after the U.S. House Education and Labor Committee introduced the College Affordability Act (H.R. 4674), which aims to improve opportunities for students from all backgrounds.

  • Headshot of Katie Bevan

    Research Associate

    Katie Bevan is a Research Associate at CAST, where she works with the research and development team on literature review, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and report development.

  • Science Notebook tool screenshots

    Building on the positive outcomes from the prior SNUDLE efficacy trial, our UDL science notebook was used by students across the United States.

  • Article
    Photo of a girl looking to the side

    J. Zabala, 2016

    Universal Design for Learning is the firm foundation for the education all students. Some students with more intensive support needs also require individualized services.

  • Logo for the Center on Inclusive Technology and Education Systems (CITES)

    Tuesday, December 5, 2023

    Five-year, $3.5 million OSEP-funded effort will bolster assistive and instructional technology design and use.

  • Photo of Charlie Dunne

    Senior Network Engineer

    Mr. Dunne brings an extensive background in telecommunications hardware, software, system design, integration, and implementation to CAST.

  • Screenshot of the COLSD web site home page

    CAST, the University of Kansas's Center for Research on Learning, and the National Association of State Directors of Special Education partnered on a five-year initiative to research how online learning can be made more accessible, engaging, and effective for K-12 learners with disabilities.

  • Webinar
    UDL & ARP | colorful waves and abstract shapes

    4:00PM – 5:00PM ET on Tuesday, April 27, 2021

    Join CAST CEO Linda Gerstle, UDL Implementation Specialist Bill Wilmot, and very special guest, education policy expert Laura Kaloi to discuss UDL and ARP.

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