Stories from the Field: Visual Arts & UDL
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
4:00PM –
5:00PM ET
Liz Byron, Boston Public Schools
Kate Egnaczak, Lizzie Fortin, Amie Nemes, Ann Rokosky, and Katie Switzer, Worcester Public Schools
Allison Posey, CAST
What does Universal Design for Learning look like in practice? How does UDL apply to visual arts curricula? According to our expert panelists, not only can UDL apply to the visual arts, but it is essential for success. The typical visual arts educator sees anywhere from 300 to 600 learners each week. Wow… talk about learner variability! Our panelists have been intensively studying and applying UDL to their practice in a weekly professional learning community for the past two years. Join these captivating voices from Worcester and Boston, MA as they share their stories, their struggles, and lessons learned in their UDL journeys.