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Showing results 221-230 of 257 for research

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  • A sprout breaking through the pavement

    Project RAISE applies Universal Design for Learning principles to science curriculum in order to make it more accessible, engaging, and effective for diverse learners experiencing incarceration.

  • Photo of a woman with Down syndrome smiling and speaking to colleagues at a grocery store

    CAST is partnering with CTE educators across the state of Massachusetts to build their knowledge and skills in the Universal Design for Learning framework to design instruction for all CTE students, including students with disabilities.

  • Photo of a mother and daughter speaking with an educator

    The Students and Families First Coalition brings together experts in special education, inclusion, and instructional effectiveness; improvement science; family engagement; and culturally responsive practices to assist schools in looking at special education practices.

  • Photo of two people working on a piece of machinery

    This UDL-based e-portfolio will help CTE teachers in Brockton and Somerville, MA create relevant learning opportunities that close the gap between skill development and skill demonstration. The innovative features inherent in CTEfolio will allow educators to create flexible assignments and students to show what they know in multiple ways.

  • An educator at the front of a classroom of adults, calling on participants to speak

    With the UDL framework as a guide, CAST is creating seven modules to help Adult Basic Education teachers effectively teach and support neurodiverse adults, including those with learning disabilities.

  • Screenshot of the

    CAST Science Writer guided students through the science report-writing process. The UDL-supported tool provided myriad opportunities for practice — a critical element to successful reading or writing strategy instruction.

  • Corgi logo and a Corgi looking up at blank graphic organizer templates

    Co-organize your learning with the Corgi app! Corgi takes what’s already great about graphic organizers and infuses the principles of UDL to make them even more flexible and accessible.

  • Screenshot of the IMTfolio Challenges page in the app

    CAST is partnering with Jobs for the Future and Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership to pilot a personalized and portable e-portfolio within the Industrial Maintenance Technician registered apprenticeship pathway.

  • Get involved. #UDLrising | UDL Guidelines icon

    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.

  • Various papers, including the UDL Guidelines graphic organizer, and people's hands working together

    Join our team! We offer competitive compensation packages including health insurance, generous vacation, and flexible schedules. And CAST is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to employing a highly qualified staff that reflects the diversity of our communities and nation.

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