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Dr. Ron B. Rogers

Memorable Experience(s) with CAST: 

Reflecting on my personal journey with CAST over the past 18 years reveals a deeply interwoven relationship of growth, collaboration, and genuine connection—a story not just of educational development but of a community built on the tenets of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

From the outset, CAST's role was pivotal as an organization and a catalyst for enduring relationships. My introduction to CAST came through Dr. Sue Zake, the Director of [Ohio's] State Support Team Region One, and Assistant Director Lynn McKahan. Their invitation was the commencement of an educational courtship that would blossom into a significant partnership. The training was the seed of a thriving network of friendships and professional alliances.

The support of CAST proved indispensable as we embarked on the comprehensive UDL training in Region One in Ohio. The expertise of Grace Meo and Peggy Coyne from CAST was not simply a contribution; it was the cornerstone of an initiative that would enrich the pedagogical landscape for hundreds of educators. This collaboration marked a milestone in our collective journey, emphasizing the transformative power of shared knowledge and mutual support.

As our engagement with CAST deepened, so too did the sense of camaraderie. The inception of the #UDLchat, a forum we created for exchanging ideas that spanned a decade, is a testament to the spirit of inclusivity and shared learning that CAST embodies. Mindy Johnson and the myriad guests from CAST who graced our discussions brought an invaluable dimension of interaction that transcended the virtual space of Twitter, fostering a learning community that was both global and intimate.

The impact of CAST on individuals has been equally profound. By advocating for first-time authors and facilitating their publications, CAST has nurtured new voices in the educational field, reinforcing the conviction that at the heart of all endeavors lies the importance of personal connection. This philosophy reflects the authenticity that defines CAST's approach—personal, accessible, and ever-committed to fostering genuine relationships.

Indeed, the presence of CAST members like Allison Posey at the Ohio UDL Collaborative meetings has been more than enlightening; it has been a source of warmth and personal engagement. Her contributions have been informational and personal, fostering a bond that enhances our commitment to the UDL principles.

While recalling the inception of the UDL Implementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN), it's impossible not to marvel at our collective genius that gathered near Chicago's airport. It was there that the UDL-IRN was born. Soon after, the UDL-IRN hired McKenzie Nichols, and her role embodied the personal touch that CAST champions. Her involvement with the UDL-IRN and the subsequent interactions with the Ohio UDL Collaborative reinforced the value of personal connections within a growing network, such as the extension of our collaborative efforts to international scales, as some of our Ohio UDL Collaborative members partnering as coach consultants with the largest school district in Canada, stands as a testament to the reach and influence of the values imparted by CAST.

Lastly, the spontaneous connection with Lindsay E. Jones, CAST's new CEO, during an episode of "10 Minutes with Barb and Ron" encapsulates what makes CAST unique. A readiness to engage, share, and value relationships is ingrained in their ethos. This personal touch, this readiness to connect, has always set CAST apart and will undoubtedly continue to be its hallmark in the future.

CAST inc. Celebrating 40 Years.

Sharing CAST Stories

At CAST, our UDL champions have played a vital role in shaping our journey, and now it's time to shine a spotlight on their invaluable contributions.

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