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Carmen Alba-Pastor

Memorable Experience(s) with CAST: 

I wanted to visit CAST from Spain to learn more about their work on Bobby, the online tool. Upon arriving, I had the opportunity to meet Professor Rose and the entire team at the center and learn about their work on UDL.

Those readings and learning about the projects they were developing opened my mind to another way of understanding and thinking about education. The pieces of the puzzle of my pedagogical knowledge began to connect and take on a new meaning. That feeling of discovery is unforgettable.

I will always be grateful to Dr. Rose and the entire CAST team for welcoming me as a visiting researcher and sharing their work.

What Does CAST Mean to You?

CAST is a reference on how to understand education and how to work and try to contribute to achieving quality, inclusive education for each student. They are a benchmark for their innovative and quality work, their contributions shared with the educational community, and their philosophy of collaboration and connection with practice.

How has CAST Changed Over the Years?

CAST has grown and consolidated in such a way that its work has become a world reference for inclusive and quality education.

What Are You Most Excited About CAST Celebrating its 40th Anniversary?

It excites me to look back and think that a group of people with an idea and a dream founded CAST and were able to launch a quiet educational revolution thanks to a shared idea and a fabulous human team -- a team made up of many people and professionals creating very good initiatives. But when I look at it from my perspective, I am excited that in a short time, they have contributed to an enormous change of outlook, which is so important for each student's education.

Thanks to all the people who have been and are in CAST for your human and professional quality and all your contributions, generosity, and affection.

Favorite CAST-Related Quote

"The Future is in the Margins." This idea, which gives the title to one of the articles by Dr. Meyer and Dr. Rose, accompanies me every day in the present to think about education. - Carmen Alba-Pastor

CAST inc. Celebrating 40 Years.

Sharing CAST Stories

At CAST, our UDL champions have played a vital role in shaping our journey, and now it's time to shine a spotlight on their invaluable contributions.

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