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Barb Gentille Green

Memorable Experience(s) with CAST: 

More than moments, emotions best describe my relationship with CAST. My many touchpoints with CAST staff since 2013 have left me feeling affirmed, supported, engaged, and challenged to do more and do better! Early, as I relearned about UDL, every experience was gentle; the staff met me where I was. No judgment, just kindness. The "just right" resources and knowledge.

Over the years, CAST was there as I moved beyond my personal growth, to support me in efforts for systems change within school districts and within our state.

Most recently, CAST Publishing believed in my co-author and me as we wrote our very first book. I never thought I would be an author, and CAST's encouragement and authenticity in the editorial experience made it possible for me to share my passion for UDL and inclusivity. I believe the A in CAST is for Accessible and Affirming!

What Does CAST Mean to You?

CAST is like a big brother, always there, ready to laugh with me, help me, push me to be better!

How has CAST Changed Over the Years?

While there have been clear product changes since I have been involved with CAST - new publications, updated guidelines, online learning tools, etc. - the more important change is the ongoing, iterative reflection the organization believes in.

The micro-moments of change - always checking with the community to ensure that the messaging, language, and products are accessible and inclusive, acknowledging past concepts and ideas that have evolved with our world and new research.

Most recently, the addition of Lindsay Jones as CEO has been exciting! Her background in special education and knowledge of how UDL can transform educational systems and outcomes for students with disabilities gives me great hope for true systems change!

What Are You Most Excited About CAST Celebrating its 40th Anniversary?

To see the vision for the future and the updated guidelines as a result of Guidelines 3.0.

Favorite CAST-Related Quote

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” —Maya Angelou CAST staff has always been kind and gentle in inspiring me to think differently and to move forward without feeling guilty about past practices I might have utilized. That's why I chose this quote!

CAST inc. Celebrating 40 Years.

Sharing CAST Stories

At CAST, our UDL champions have played a vital role in shaping our journey, and now it's time to shine a spotlight on their invaluable contributions.

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