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Showing results 181-190 of 371 for universal design for learning

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  • Illustration representing virtual connections across the globe

    An evolving resource collection to support inclusive remote learning, curated by CAST.

  • Photo of Melissa Sanjeh

    Implementation Specialist

    As an Implementation Specialist, Melissa works with school teams to rethink curriculum, instruction and environments to provide access for all, using the UDL framework as a tool for redesign.

  • PreK–12: Instructor-Led Course
    Students and teachers working at computers

    Monday, September 11 – Monday, December 11, 2023

    In this introductory online course for preK–12 educators, participants learn the research basis for UDL, practical applications of UDL to lesson design, and helpful technology tools that support flexible, inclusive instruction.

  • Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    We stand in solidarity with students, families, educators, workers and the entire UDL community in affirming: Black lives matter.

  • Article

    D. H. Rose, J. W. Gravel & Y. M. Domings, 2010

    This article examines the question of whether technology is central to the foundations of UDL or whether UDL is useful as a pedagogical framework that goes beyond technology. The authors use the UDL guidelines as a structural framework through which to examine these questions.

  • CISL: Center on Inclusive Software for Learning | Partners! CAST and ISKME, designer and host of OER Commons

    Wednesday, March 13, 2019

    The goal: Open Educational Resources that are more accessible and discoverable, and that provide needed accommodations.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    CAST's work is made possible by the generous financial support of foundations, corporations, government agencies, and individuals. We regularly partner with other research organizations, K-12 and postsecondary educators, government agencies and foundations to investigate solutions to challenging questions.

  • Headshot of Kisha Barton

    Senior Director of Communications

    As Senior Director of Communications, Kisha leads CAST’s public relations division efforts in promoting CAST’s nonprofit work and Universal Design for Learning framework to diverse audiences.  She oversees external and internal communications, including strategic communications, media relations, messaging strategy, thought leadership, websites, social media, and promotional collateral.

  • Webinar
    Webinar information and photos of presenters

    3:30PM – 4:30PM ET on Thursday, April 5, 2018

    Join Joni Degner, James-Etta Goodloe, Loui Lord Nelson and Kavita Rao to experience their powerful stories, discuss how Universal Design for Learning aligns with Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, and collect resources to use in your learning environment for building cultural awareness and meaningful self-reflection.

  • Book cover: Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice

    When CAST first began publishing for teachers about UDL, we still saw printed books as the primary medium, supplemented by digital enhancements and supports. Now the printed text supplements what's online. Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice is an online multimedia "book" that includes contributions from dozens of educators in the field.

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