Showing results 51-60 of 421 for UDL
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Thursday, November 5, 2015
The November 2015 issue of School Administrator a magazine that circulates to more than 13,000 school and district leaders, features a package of stories about universal design for learning (UDL) and highlights CAST's free resources for schools.
To ensure systematic, intentional, and sustained UDL implementation across the school community, school leaders actively lead and participate in UDL implementation efforts.
Meyer, Rose, and Gordon, 2014
In the 1990s, Anne Meyer, David Rose, and their colleagues at CAST introduced universal design for learning (UDL), a framework to improve teaching and learning. Based on new insights from the learning sciences and creative uses of ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
“Making the most of technology requires a methodical and principled approach, one that turns the aspirations of personalized learning into an effective practice of personalized learning,” writes CAST’s David Gordon in eSchool News. “Universal design for learning makes that practice possible. The challenge for educators is to realize this potential in the classroom on Monday morning.”
Tuesday, April 13 – Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Interact, engage, and become inspired with professionals from across education at the 8th annual UDL-IRN International Summit on demand.
Monday, July 31 – Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Providing high quality education is a matter of social justice, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an innovative framework that supports all learners—regardless of socioeconomic, cultural, gender, language, cognitive, physical, and emotional background—by providing exceptional, rigorous learning opportunities. UDL proactively infuses opportunities for learners to overcome barriers and ensure that learning has no limits.
T. Hall, et al., 2014
Information on the theory and research behind differentiated instruction and its intersection with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is examined. The article begins with an introduction to differentiated instruction by defining …
D. H. Rose & J. W. Gravel, 2009
Sadly for education, the commonly-available GPS exemplifies the principles and guidelines of Universal Design for Learning better than most educational curricula. This article draws playful and important parallels as it explores the features of the GPS through the lens of the UDL guidelines.
This guide is here to help you prepare and submit a nomination for the 2024 UDL Awards. As a collaborative and inclusive initiative, the UDL Awards invite participation from all those engaged or interested in Universal Design for Learning to propose individuals and projects deserving of honor for their dedication and contributions.
How do you measure progress in putting the UDL Guidelines into practice? This 8 page rubric from Katie Novak & Kristan Rodriguez can help. For each guideline and checkpoint, the authors identify teacher progress as Emerging, Proficient, and Progressing toward Expert Practice.