Showing results 401-410 of 421 for UDL
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CAST, along with partners from SRI International and the Inclusive Design Research Centre, are exploring and creating tools to ensure that K-12 students with disabilities get engaging, high-quality accessible digital learning materials, especially open education resources (OERs).
Meet Caroline Horvitz and her father, former CAST board member, Jeffery Horvitz, and find out how CAST helped bust barriers to learning for this amazing young woman.
CAST has partnered with Arizona State University to develop and evaluate the impact of a professional learning ecosystem to support 7th and 8th-grade teachers in providing more effective writing instruction to students with high-incidence disabilities.
I loved the sense of community I felt while interning at CAST during my master's year. The camaraderie across the team was evident, and I felt so welcomed even though I was there just once a week. It was clear that there was a commitment to supporting learners at the margins to thrive and a work environment in which everyone present was an equal member of the team.
Your donation to nonprofit CAST and the UDL-IRN supports our work with teachers and students, colleges and universities, states and districts—making you a partner with CAST until learning has no limits.
According to former board president, Joanne Patton, CAST had the dreams and the professionalism to help her son George grow his confidence as a learner and communicator. Learn more about George and Joanne as she recounts how CAST made an impact on her, her son, and her family.
Learn about CAST Efolio, a mobile-first e-portfolio platform where learners can explore supportive resources and demonstrate competencies in various contexts, as customized by different partners and projects.
CAST, 2013
CAST responds to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium’s request for public comment about its Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines.
CAST, 2013
CAST responds to request by the writers of the assessments aligned to Common Core standards for comments on drafts of the assessments. In this statement, CAST points out five areas where the assessments could be improved to make ...
The Students and Families First Coalition brings together experts in special education, inclusion, and instructional effectiveness; improvement science; family engagement; and culturally responsive practices to assist schools in looking at special education practices.