Engaging All Learners in Key Literacies: Dynabooks
Jeremy Roschelle, Susan Courey, Charles Patton, and Elizabeth Murray
PublisherSpringer Publishing
The authors focus on how a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework can be used to design Dynabooks that are sensitive to the needs of all learners as they engage in sense making, expression, and inquiry in challenging domains. UDL directs our attention to multiple representations, supports for students’ action and expression, and ways to engage diverse students with material. We report on how a UDL approach has been developed in Dynabooks for reading, science, and mathematics and discuss some key challenges going forward, as well as the lessons for educators.
Cite As
Roschelle, J., Courey, S., Patton, C., & Murray, E. (2013). Dynabooks: Supporting teachers to engage all learners in key literacies. In C. Mouza & N.C. Lavigne (Eds.), Emerging technologies for the classroom: A learning sciences perspective (pp. 31-46). New York: Springer.