Curriculum Modification
Tracey Hall, Ge Vue, Nari Koga, and Stephanie Silva
PublisherNational Center on Accessing the General Curriculum (NCAC)
There is no single definition of curriculum modification and definitions vary across disciplines. In this review, curriculum modification is defined as modified content, instruction, and/or learning outcomes to meet diverse students needs. Curriculum modification is not limited to instructional modification or content modification but includes a continuum of a wide range of modified educational components. Next, the four components and features of curriculum modification including accommodation, adaptation, parallel curriculum outcomes, and overlapping curricula, are described. Findings regarding evidence of effectiveness are revealed through modifications designed for students’ learning, modifications designed for behavioral reasons, modifications designed for inclusion, and self-determination training to enhance modification. Factors influencing effectiveness, including individual needs, subject-specific needs, teachers’ roles and school support, and use of technology are considered. Lastly, applications to general education classroom settings and links to learn more about curriculum modification are provided.
Cite As
Hall, T., Vue, G., Koga, N., and Silva, S. (2004). Curriculum modification. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. (Links updated 2014). Retrieved [insert date] from