Sharing Stories: Lessons from Remote Learning
Thursday, July 16, 2020
3:30PM –
5:00PM ET
Bill Wilmot, CAST Implementation Specialist
John Fabrizio, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Merrimack School District
Shawne Hilliard, Principal, Weare Middle School
Lauren Elliott, First Grade Teacher, Winchester School
Sometimes a radical change can hold up a mirror to our practices in a new way. This school year ended with an unprecedented shift to remote learning. Who is not being included in instruction? Who is not engaged? Who is thriving? What are students discovering about their own learning strengths and challenges?
CAST has been supporting educators to think about how to apply Universal Design for Learning to remote learning during this period of emergency pandemic response. We are gathering educators together to tell their stories and reflect on what we have learned from this experience. As we prepare for the coming school year — all of the different possible scenarios — what new thinking can we take back to our classrooms to reach all learners?
Meet a superintendent, a principal, and a teacher from K–12 schools, along with an Implementation Specialist from CAST supporting their work to integrate UDL. Each member of the panel will share their remote learning story, reflect on what they learned, and discuss how they will carry their new understanding about designing to meet the needs of all students forward into the coming school year. We encourage participants to bring their own stories to share.