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Loui Lord Nelson

Headshot of Loui Lord Nelson

Memorable Experience(s) with CAST: 

I was a post-doc at CAST in 2012-2013 when the principle of engagement was shifted to the far left of the 2.1 guidelines. Though the decision had been made, there were still discussions, and dare I say academic arguments, about the shift. What I cherished most about being in and around CAST was that everyone's voice counted during these and any discussions. It didn't matter what that person's role was. Everyone's opinions, from David Rose's ponderings to interns' thoughts, were heard, weighed, encouraged, and respected.

This is what defined CAST for me.

What Does CAST Mean to You?

CAST is the custodian of UDL. CAST not only ensures the content of the guidelines; it ensures the aspects surrounding those Guidelines are studied and understood.

How has CAST Changed Over the Years?

The biggest change has been CAST Professional Publishing. This component of the organization has continued to grow and provide helpful books to the field.

What Are You Most Excited About CAST Celebrating its 40th Anniversary?

I'm excited that CAST has the opportunity to look back on how it has influenced policy and practice and that it has the robust opportunity to look forward and continue that work.

CAST inc. Celebrating 40 Years.

Sharing CAST Stories

At CAST, our UDL champions have played a vital role in shaping our journey, and now it's time to shine a spotlight on their invaluable contributions.

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