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Elif Buber

Headshot of Elif Buber

Memorable Experience(s) with CAST: 

We all thrive in environments where our uniqueness is embraced, our capacities are trusted, and our areas of growth are accepted and supported. My time at CAST during my internship was truly transformative in this regard. It helped me discover my true potential, giving me the strength and determination to reach my goals and dreams. If I had to describe those unique moments in one word or phrase, I would say "synergy or synergic communication." Stephen Covey defines synergy as the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. This was precisely what happened in the teams I worked with throughout my internship.

When I was first asked to participate in team-level briefings, data analysis, and focus group protocol creation processes, I was unsure of my capabilities. I openly shared that these would be new experiences for me and that I might not be able to contribute much. However, my supervisors, Dr. Tracey Hall and Dr. Jenna Gravel were exceptional leaders who always approached me with the UDL mindset through synergic communication, believing in my capacities and making me feel accepted and supported.

Although I was feeling uncomfortable asking for their one-on-one support, thinking that it would be a waste of their invaluable time considering their roles and responsibilities at CAST, they were approaching me as if there was nothing more important to do for them other than supporting me at that time by becoming very authentic in openly sharing their past learning journeys, challenges, and struggles. They patiently taught me the basics of data analysis, protocol writing, etc., in our one-on-one meetings.

Each time I worked with their teams, I felt the synergy unleashed: the cohesive and high-trust culture of teamwork at CAST. With the power of that synergy, I often found myself coming up with ideas, my mind and heart opening to new possibilities and solutions. I still feel the momentum created by those mutual learning journeys, taking me towards deeper insights and continuous growth.

Now, I feel part of a big, affectionate family of inclusive educators dedicated to removing the barriers for all "until learning has no limits."

What Does CAST Mean to You?

CAST is a leading organization in the world of quality education that is humbly walking the talk of diversity, equity, and inclusion under the light of high-impact scientific research and considering the perspective of all stakeholders.

How has CAST Changed Over the Years?

I believe CAST is diligently working on the language used to be more inclusive and culturally responsive.

What Are You Most Excited About CAST Celebrating its 40th Anniversary?

I'm most excited about the impending release of the upcoming UDL Guidelines! The revised Guidelines shift the gaze toward the subtle yet profound barriers related to identity and belonging. By doing so, UDL Guidelines 3.0 will amplify UDL's transformative impact worldwide, fostering a more inclusive educational landscape.

Favorite CAST-Related Quote

“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for the development accorded to the individual” Albert Einstein on his departure from Germany in1933

CAST inc. Celebrating 40 Years.

Sharing CAST Stories

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