We collaborate with postsecondary institutions, colleges, and technical schools to co-design transformative learning experiences. Through Universal Design for Learning (UDL), we inspire educators to create engaging and inclusive learning environments that allow student to excel in college and beyond.
In the broad education settings found after grade school—including colleges and training programs—CAST’s Postsecondary Professional Development team knows that educators face growing challenges in meeting the diverse needs of their students. UDL principles embrace the natural variability in learning needs, and through intentional program and environment design, they can significantly improve learner outcomes.
Through the adoption and implementation of UDL, educators not only enhance their teaching practices but also support students to recognize their strengths, develop leadership skills, and apply strategies for lifelong learning.
“I liked the building community aspect of the lessons. Many of the barriers that might exist for learners could be discovered and shared more often with ease if students feel comfortable in the classroom.” Course Attendee
CAST’s Postsecondary team equips postsecondary instructors, administrators, and other personnel with UDL-based strategies and tools to ensure students thrive in their educational experience. Our team provides community and technical colleges, four-year universities, and apprenticeship programs with flexible professional development options, including expert-led speaking engagements, workshops, customized consultations, coaching, and more.
Through collaboration and co-design, we can create accessible and universally designed curricula to address the wide variety of learners who access your courses.
CAST offers courses that inspire and prepare higher education faculty, instructional designers, and administrators to apply the UDL framework in their courses and programs, giving them the strategies they need to remove barriers to learning for postsecondary students.
We offer flexible professional development for postsecondary institutions, designed to support learner success and organizations goals in any environment. Through close collaboration, we design and deliver transformative solutions, whether through in-person or virtual workshops, or a long term implementation plan.
CAST partnered with The National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program to provide technical assistance and guidance on Universal Design for Learning. The aim was to accomplish three main goals: raise awareness of accessibility issues and requirements, increase understanding of what it means to make deliverables and activities accessible and provide guidance toward long-term accessibility solutions.