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Showing results 61-70 of 131 for Science

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  • Photo of Amanda Bastoni

    Director of Career, Technical & Adult Education

    During her time in education, Amanda has focused on increasing equity and access for special populations in Career & Technical Education

  • Photo of David Rose

    CAST's Co-Founder & Chief Education Officer, Emeritus

    David Rose is a neuropsychologist and educator who is best known for his central role in developing the field of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and in articulating the principles and practices of UDL that have been adopted widely throughout the world.

  • Four overlapping icons representing the four UDL-SICC domains: School Culture and Environment, Teaching and Learning, Leadership and Management, and Professional Learning.

    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    These exciting new resources will allow schools to guide and measure their use of UDL to create inclusive learning experiences and environments.

  • Photo of Lindsay Jones

    Tuesday, January 11, 2022

    With more than 20 years of experience in education policy and legal advocacy, Lindsay will begin her new role as CAST CEO in March, 2022.

  • U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs logo

    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    CAST & KU have won a 4-year, $1.6 million grant from the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to develop a sustainable coaching model that supports systemic implementation of UDL.

  • CAST and AIR logos

    Thursday, April 4, 2019

    Five-year, $3.5 million OSEP-funded effort will bolster assistive and instructional technology design and use.

  • Article

    C.P. Proctor, et al., 2014

    The study examined self-reported levels of motivation in predicting reading comprehension among 76 linguistically diverse middle school-aged students with disabilities in an urban Northeastern school district in the United States. ...

  • Screenshot of the MNTfolio tool on a mobile device surrounded by technical imagery

    CAST is partnering with the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) based at Pasadena City College to embed an e-portfolio into a newly established network to aid undergraduate students conducting research.

  • Headshot of Brett Christie

    When Dr. Emiliano Ayala and I launched our U.S. Department of Education-funded "Ensuring Access through Collaboration & Technology" project in 2005, we were inspired by CAST. We adopted the UDL framework to work with hundreds of faculty to redesign courses applying the UDL principles. Most faculty do not have a formal background in effective teaching or learning science. The UDL framework provided an approachable method for faculty to realize more effective, inclusive, and accessible teaching practices.

  • Photo of Bobby Moore

    Chief of Staff

    As Chief of Staff, Bobby Moore works in partnership with the CEO and senior leadership to drive the development and implementation of strategic priorities at CAST. Further, Bobby provides program management and oversight for various cross-functional initiatives that are crucial to the CAST’s impact, growth, and sustainability.

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