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Showing results 161-170 of 182 for Engagement

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  • Students looking at a paper prototype

    The goal of the I-SMART project is to develop rigorous, universally designed science assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities and any students who are not meeting grade-level standards.

  • Screenshot of the UDL On Campus website home page

    UDL on Campus is a free online resource for postsecondary institutions and educators that offers tutorials and practical resources in UDL theory and practice for the unique needs of adult learners.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    Through our learning events, CAST and the UDL-IRN connect participants from preK–12, higher education, workforce, and informal learning environments with experts who understand how to reach learners in the most effective way possible.

  • CAST logo and tagline (Until learning has no limits™) behind soothing waves of color

    Don’t just spend your ARP funds — invest in the professional growth of your staff to address learning loss! Contact CAST today to see how we can help you invest in your staff to address learning loss through Universal Design for Learning.

  • Image showing three iSolveIt math apps

    Teaching algebraic reasoning skills in a non math-specific context helps students overcome barriers to learning.

  • Screenshot of the CAST Folktales tool where the user selects a story to read

    The CAST Folktales line of work supported literacy development for students, with a special focus on encouraging English Language Learners to leverage their home language to build reading comprehension skills in English.

  • Three CAST UDL Credentials badges

    Teachers, education leaders, and other professionals, including educational technology companies, can demonstrate their knowledge, application, and incorporation of UDL by earning a credential or product certification from CAST.

  • Statement
    Photo of a school hallway overlaid with a math graph

    CAST, 2013

    CAST responds to request by the writers of the assessments aligned to Common Core standards for comments on drafts of the assessments. In this statement, CAST points out five areas where the assessments could be improved to make ...

  • Statement
    logo for PARCC, the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers

    CAST, 2013

    CAST offers recommendations to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to improve its proposed accommodations for students with disabilities who take PARCC’s large-scale assessment. The accommodations in question concern writing.

  • Statement
    logo of smarter balanced assessment consortium

    CAST, 2013

    CAST responds to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium’s request for public comment about its Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines.

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