Kick off the new year with hosts Kelli Suding, Luis Pérez, and Bryan Dean as they dive into the latest in Universal Design for Learning (UDL), accessibility, and the evolving role of assistive (artificial) intelligence. In this episode, they discuss emerging trends, real-world applications, and strategies for creating more inclusive learning experiences. Don’t miss this insightful conversation on breaking down barriers!
The Learning Experience podcast is released monthly, and you can follow on the web using Spotify, YouTube with transcript, or the podcast app of your choice.
Download the episode transcript (Word document)
Luis Pérez, L., Suding, K., & Dean, B. (Hosts). (2025, February 18). New Year of UDL, Accessibility, & Assistive Intelligence? Oh my! (Season 4, Episode 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In The Learning Experience. CAST.