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A Policy Reader in Universal Design for Learning

David Gordon, Jenna W. Gravel, and Laura A. Schifter (Editors)

Harvard Education Press



This policy reader comprises a notably wide range of articles that address the challenges and opportunities facing policy makers as they consider UDL’s implications for federal, state, and local policy.

A Policy Reader in Universal Design for Learning includes essays that place UDL in the context of the education field as a whole and that examine how UDL might inform pressing contemporary discussions about accountability and access to the curriculum. The volume also sheds light on various assistive technologies. It concludes by considering contemporary assessments of student learning and teacher effectiveness, and points to how they might be improved through UDL and by expanding opportunities for learning to more young people.

A timely and much-needed volume, A Policy Reader in Universal Design for Learning brings UDL to the center of discussions about contemporary education policy and reform.

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Gordon, D.T., Gravel, J.W., & Schifter, L.A., Eds. (2009). A policy reader in Universal Design for Learning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.