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UDL-SIC Domain Two: Teaching and Learning

UDL-SIC Domain Two: Teaching and Learning

UDL-SIC Resources

Element 1: Educators intentionally design learning experiences using evidence based, high leverage practices to address learner variability and reduce barriers.


To ensure all students become expert learners, educators proactively and intentionally design learning experiences and curricula that anticipate individual variability and reduce barriers. Goals, assessments, methods, materials, and environments are designed to consider all aspects of variability, including cultural, social, emotional, cognitive, perceptual, physical, and sensory.


Educators use the UDL Guidelines to:

  • design lesson goals, assessments, methods, materials and environments that flow from an intentional, iterative design process; anticipate learner variability; and identify and reduce potential barriers; and
  • reflect on lesson outcomes and redesign lesson goals, assessments, methods, materials, and environments in response to data.

Element 2: Learning goals are clear, flexible, meaningful, and support high expectations for all.


To ensure all learning experiences are goal-driven and support expert learning for all. Clear goals reflect the purpose behind the learning experiences, which in turn helps guide the design of teaching plans and practices that engage learners. They allow educators to align curricular assessments, methods, and materials effectively. Learners are empowered to make meaningful choices that support their strengths and needs, encouraging them to take ownership and agency of their learning. Clear goals set achievable expectations for all and should be separate from the means required to achieve them, when possible.


Learning goals are:

  • clearly defined;
  • communicated in ways that are accessible, perceivable, and understandable, and can be expressed by learners and families;
  • separated from the means to achieve them, which allows multiple paths to achievement; and
  • expressed in ways that highlight their relevance to learners and families.


UDL Tips for Developing Learning Goals

Element 3: Educators incorporate evidence based, high-leverage, flexible methods and materials that anticipate learner variability and reduce barriers.


To ensure curriculum methods and materials are intentionally selected and/or designed to anticipate learner variability and reduce unintended barriers. The materials and methods should be flexible, accessible, and support the learning goals. Methods and materials provide multiple means for learners to access learning, build understanding, encourage internalization, and develop expert learning.


Methods and materials are intentionally selected using the UDL Guidelines that:

  • are flexible and allow for optional pathways,
  • support all learners in becoming expert learners,
  • align to the intended learning goals.


National Center on Accessible Educational Materials

Element 4: Educators incorporate flexible assessments that are designed to support learner variability and reduce barriers to learning.


To ensure all learners gain the intended skills, habits, and knowledge from learning experiences. Curriculum formative assessments are intentionally designed to align with and measure the intended goals. They are integrated throughout the learning experience and are designed to anticipate learner variability and reduce barriers to learning. Flexible assessments inform instruction and support the development of expert learners.


Assessments are intentionally designed using the UDL Guidelines to be:

  • flexible and include optional ways for learners to demonstrate competency;
  • aligned to intended learning goals;
  • accessible to all learners; and
  • used to inform future instruction.


UDL Tips for Assessments

Research and Reference for Teaching and Learning

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Abell, M. H. (2013). A Universally Designed for Learning (UDL) Infused Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Practitioners’ Model Essential for Teacher Preparation in the 21st Century. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48(2), 245–265. doi:10.2190/ec.48.2.g

Browder, D. M., Mims, P. J., Spooner, F., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Lee, A. (2008). Teaching Elementary Students With Multiple Disabilities to Participate in Shared Stories. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 33(1), 3–12. doi:10.2511/rpsd.33.1-2.3

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Cook, S. C., & Rao, K. (2018). Systematically applying UDL to effective practices for students with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 41(3), 179-191, doi: 10.1177/0731948717749936

Coyne, P., Pisha, B., Dalton, B., Zeph, L. A., & Smith, N. C. (2010). Literacy by design: A universal design for learning approach for students with significant intellectual disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 33(3), 162-172.

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Finnegan, L. A., Miller, K. M., Randolph, K. M., & Bielskus-Barone, K. D. (2019). Supporting Student Knowledge Using Formative Assessment and Universal Design for Learning Expression. The Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 8(2).

Hall, T. E., Cohen, N., Vue, G., & Ganley, P. (2014). Addressing learning disabilities with UDL and technology. Learning Disability Quarterly, 38, 72–83.

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King-Sears, M. E., Johnson, T., Berkeley, S., Weiss, M., Peters-Burton, E., Evmenova, A., Menditto, A., & Hursh, J. (2015). An exploratory study of universal design for teaching chemistry to students with and without disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 38(2), 84–96. 10.1177/0731948714564575

Lowrey, K. A., Hollingshead, A., Howery, K., & Bishop, J. B. (2017). More Than One Way: Stories of UDL and Inclusive Classrooms. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 42(4), 225–242.

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