Project Name
The UDL Science Notebook: Scaling an Inclusive Solution to Sensemaking in Science
The SNUDLE project focused on creating a suite of student and teacher tools, professional development, and facilitated professional learning communities to bring the power of CAST’s evidence-based Science Notebook in a Universal Design for Learning Environment (SNUDLE) to all teachers. This project is a part of a long line of CAST research, including funding from IES, in developing a digital science notebook to support inquiry science.
The SNUDLE implementation suite focused on creating teacher training, mentoring, and supports to build teacher motivation, self-efficacy, and capacity to use inquiry science and science notebooks effectively in their instruction, improving student science knowledge, motivation for science, and sensemaking for students and teachers.
The SNUDLE implementation suite
SNUDLE combines a supported science sensemaking process for students with robust teacher supports to bring about positive outcomes for student science comprehension and growth in teacher motivation and self-efficacy in science.
Teachers who used the SNUDLE implementation suite showed increased preparedness, confidence, and competence, thereby improving student science knowledge, motivation, and sensemaking.
For students who initially struggled in science, the more SNUDLE pages they completed, the better they performed on science post-test scores. SNUDLE is reducing the achievement gap in science, equalizing science understanding for all.
The following line graph shows quartiles of student performance on pre test measure in relation to tool page use. Students from the lowest quartile on the pretest who used more pages in SNUDLE performed more like the highest quartile students on the post test.
“It’s not just for the students. SNUDLE helped my teaching style. I became more in tune with how science should be taught and learned.” SNUDLE Teacher
“With SNUDLE, students see how writing is connected to science, which I think often gets overlooked. ” SNUDLE Teacher
“SNUDLE, lesson-by-lesson, is formative assessment. It allows us, even daily, to go through and see that the kids are having a hard time with something. Then we take the time to either supplement or give them a choice for morning work. ” SNUDLE Teacher
2015 – 2021
Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education
Arizona State University
Tracey Hall Ph.D. (PI), CAST
Karen Harris, Ed.D. Arizona State University (Co-PI)