Project Name
Accelerating Higher Order Thinking and STEM Content Learning Among Students with Learning Disabilities (CORGI-2)
Project Website
We took what’s already great about graphic organizers and made them more flexible and accessible, by bringing them online and adding lots of built-in tools and supports.
Corgi marks the next generation of graphic organizers, helping students co-organize their learning in a digital, Google App environment. We want to see every student build higher-order thinking skills and become an expert learner.
Research shows that Corgi works. Both our pilot study and an independent evaluation of the Corgi app showed very positive results: Students made significant gains learning science and U.S. history content when using Corgi. Encouragingly, students with disabilities made substantial improvements in the independent evaluation. We’re excited CorgiI helps students learn.
Based on feedback from teachers and students, this project focused on adding the following new features:
These exciting findings and added features have propelled further development of Corgi. We are building more ways to support higher-order thinking skills and STEM learning, as well as new supports for content organization, higher-order thinking routines, and collaboration strategies.
2018 – 2022
University of Kansas
SRI International
Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE)
Jose Blackorby, CAST (Co-PI)
Jan Bulgren, University of KU (Co-PI)
For questions and other inquiries about this project, please contact