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We want to hear from you!

Screenshot of the Transition to Remote Learning survey on a cell phone

The transition to remote learning has left the education community reeling. Teachers are designing lessons, learning new technologies, and emotionally supporting students, all while educating their own children and trying to stay connected to family and friends in the middle of a pandemic. It’s a herculean task.

While CAST sprung into action to support educators across the country—through the work of the AEM Center, hosting webinars, and facilitating professional learning communities in Learning Designed—we know more is needed.

That’s why we’re asking for your help.

Please consider taking 10-15 minutes to fill out our Transition to Remote Learning survey. Your answers will help us continue to support schools, families, parents, educators, administrators, and communities. We need your stories and your insights to help us foster new tools and resources, further research, design professional development, and inform strategies for supporting educators and learners in emergency remote learning environments and beyond.

No one knows what school will look like in the fall. Will schools return to normal with physical classes and traditional hours? Will they be fully remote? Will teachers, students, and parents need to prepare for a hybrid model yet to be determined or even designed?

We hope that by analyzing the experiences you share in our survey, we can design inclusive, equitable learning for the future, no matter what the future holds.

To complete our survey, you must be an adult currently involved in K–12 education (staff, teacher, administrator, etc.). While your answers will be kept anonymous, CAST may use those answers or parts of answers in our work and research.

Take the survey