Thursday, June 29, 2017
During the sermon, the minister quoted Reinhold Niebuhr, one of the great theologians in American history and a prominent public policy advisor to presidents, statesmen, scholars and scientists who was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964. Here’s the quote:
“Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime.”
I found that quote very comforting. As some of you know, I have struggled with the theory—and especially the practice—of retirement. At almost 72 years of age, I am clearly over the hill. But there always seems to be just one more peak ahead, easily within reach, after which everything else will seem downhill. It is an illusion of course.
To the extent that UDL is really “worth doing,” it will take more than my lifetime (or anyone else’s) to achieve in full. It is a journey, as they say, rather than a destination. There will be many more hills to climb ahead, and many more beyond even the ones we can see now.
As a consequence, there will be never be a clear or unmistakable marker for retirement, no sign that the final hilltop has been topped or that everything essential has been accomplished. UDL is too “worth doing” for that. But for me personally, it is now the right time to retire, and for three important reasons.
So, I will retire on July 24th, my birthday! (Alas It is true that I have a few projects that I will need to finish, so the retirement will be as imperfect as I am: there is still no perfect pitch.)
I have loved my time learning with all of you, and I will want that to continue. So, as a birthday present to myself and as a retirement gift to the field, I will be launching a blog later this year and asking current and up-and-coming UDL leaders to contribute. Those leaders, who have already inspired and enriched the field, will show us the future of UDL, both its challenges and opportunities. I very much look forward to seeing what they say—and how you respond in comments and posts.
Mostly I look forward to following the actual work that you all do in the coming months and years, work so worthwhile that it will last more than a lifetime.