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The 6th Annual CAST UDL Symposium: UDL Rising

August 5, 2020 - August 7, 2020

Online only!
Visit the #UDLrising social round-up
the 6th Annual CAST UDL Symposium

No federal dollars were used to underwrite this event.

CAST is not responsible for the content of the presentations. Views of the presenters are their own.

Event Description

The Universal Design for Learning framework was designed as a lever for change, one that addresses the inequities inherent in a one-size-fits-all curriculum. But in recent years, a larger conversation has emerged as to whether and how UDL should intentionally address the many barriers—systemic and individual—that limit learning for all. We are committed to advancing this larger conversation and exploring in greater depth the ways in which UDL can be leveraged to make more equitable learning environments and opportunities for students who have traditionally been marginalized. The Symposium sessions highlight promising work that is taking place in the field and is serving as a forum to co-create a vision for how to more explicitly develop UDL as a framework for designing equitable learning opportunities for all.

For questions about the event, please contact Alie Berg.

Follow and join the ongoing conversation using our hashtag #UDLrising on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Get a taste of the social sharing that happened during the live event, August 5 – 7, 2020 by visiting our social round-up.

Visit the #UDLrising social round-up

Schedule Listing

Ticket holders also have access to pre-recorded content as part of Symposium On-Demand Access, available through Sunday, January 31, 2021.

Wednesday, August 5

– 10:45 – 11:00 am: Welcome Session

– 11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Keynote

UDL Rising: Naming, Disrupting, and Dismantling Barriers to Equity
Panel: Cornelius Minor, Marian Dingle, Lizzie Fortin, Dr. Cody Miller, Kass Minor, and Dr. Jon Mundorf

– UDL Rising: Naming, Disrupting, and Dismantling Barriers to Equity
Panel: Cornelius Minor, Marian Dingle, Lizzie Fortin, Dr. Cody Miller, Kass Minor, and Dr. Jon Mundorf

– 12:20 – 1:20 pm: Live Concurrent Sessions

Leveraging UDL to Develop Equitable Bridges Between Education and Industry
Amanda Bastoni & Sam Johnston
Guided by Equity: An Urban District’s Story of Technology
Rhianon E. Gutierrez
Critiquing lessons and learning environments: Toward Actionable Equity with UDL
Brooke Harris Garad & Loui Lord Nelson
Serve & Transform: Put People Ahead of Power
Lindsa McIntyre

– Leveraging UDL to Develop Equitable Bridges Between Education and Industry
Amanda Bastoni & Sam Johnston

– Guided by Equity: An Urban District’s Story of Technology
Rhianon E. Gutierrez

– Critiquing lessons and learning environments: Toward Actionable Equity with UDL
Brooke Harris Garad & Loui Lord Nelson

– Serve & Transform: Put People Ahead of Power

Lindsa McIntyre

– 1:40 – 2:40 pm: Live Concurrent Sessions

When you are the barrier: Put students at the center
Liz Byron
Fight: An Invitation to Personalize the Protest with UDL and AntiRacism
Andratesha Fritzgerald

SHIFT Happens
Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles & Mia Laudato

Redefining How UDL can Support ALL the Students “in the Margins”
Joyce Highhouse, Monica Ng, Zach Smith & Mary Yung

– When you are the barrier: Put students at the center
Liz Byron

– Fight: An Invitation to Personalize the Protest with UDL and AntiRacism
Andratesha Fritzgerald

– SHIFT Happens
Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles & Mia Laudato

– Redefining How UDL can Support ALL the Students “in the Margins”
Joyce Highhouse, Monica Ng, Zach Smith & Mary Yung

– UDL Rising: Naming, Disrupting, and Dismantling Barriers to Equity
Panel: Cornelius Minor, Marian Dingle, Lizzie Fortin, Dr. Cody Miller, Kass Minor, and Dr. Jon Mundorf

– Leveraging UDL to Develop Equitable Bridges Between Education and Industry
Amanda Bastoni & Sam Johnston

– Guided by Equity: An Urban District’s Story of Technology
Rhianon E. Gutierrez

– Critiquing lessons and learning environments: Toward Actionable Equity with UDL
Brooke Harris Garad & Loui Lord Nelson

– Serve & Transform: Put People Ahead of Power
Lindsa McIntyre

– When you are the barrier: Put students at the center
Liz Byron

– Fight: An Invitation to Personalize the Protest with UDL and AntiRacism
Andratesha Fritzgerald

– SHIFT Happens
Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles & Mia Laudato

– Redefining How UDL can Support ALL the Students “in the Margins”
Joyce Highhouse, Monica Ng, Zach Smith & Mary Yung

Thursday, August 6

– 10:45 – 11:00 am: Welcome Session

– 11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Keynote

Designing for Justice and Freedom: Disability Justice Transforming Education
Lydia Brown

– Designing for Justice and Freedom: Disability Justice Transforming Education
Lydia Brown

– 12:20 – 1:20 pm: Live Concurrent Sessions

Why Should I Care? Designing Classroom Assessments that Engage Students
Bob Dolan, Kim Ducharme & Allison Posey
Flexibility as a Core Principle of Equity: Lessons from an Alternative High School in a COVID-19 Climate
Sherann Jackson
Equity in the Classroom
Stacy Scott
Plantations, Prisons, PK–12: Can UDL Lead to Equity?
Nicole Tucker-Smith

– Why Should I Care? Designing Classroom Assessments that Engage Students
Bob Dolan, Kim Ducharme & Allison Posey

– Flexibility as a Core Principle of Equity: Lessons from an Alternative High School in a COVID-19 Climate
Sherann Jackson

– Equity in the Classroom
Stacy Scott

– Plantations, Prisons, PK–12: Can UDL Lead to Equity?
Nicole Tucker-Smith

– 1:40 – 2:40 pm: Live Concurrent Sessions

Designing for Equity and Systemic Change
Kate Blanchard
Contextualizing the UDL-CRT Framework in Teacher Preparation
Shawn Daley & Ying Hu
By Any Othered Name: Addressing the Barrier of Racialization in Education
Carlos Hoyt
Trauma Sensitive Schools & UDL
Melissa Sanjeh

– Designing for Equity and Systemic Change
Kate Blanchard

– Contextualizing the UDL-CRT Framework in Teacher Preparation
Shawn Daley & Ying Hu

– By Any Othered Name: Addressing the Barrier of Racialization in Education
Carlos Hoyt

– Trauma Sensitive Schools & UDL
Melissa Sanjeh

– Designing for Justice and Freedom: Disability Justice Transforming Education
Lydia Brown

– Why Should I Care? Designing Classroom Assessments that Engage Students
Bob Dolan, Kim Ducharme & Allison Posey

– Flexibility as a Core Principle of Equity: Lessons from an Alternative High School in a COVID-19 Climate
Sherann Jackson

– Equity in the Classroom
Stacy Scott

– Plantations, Prisons, PK–12: Can UDL Lead to Equity?
Nicole Tucker-Smith

– Designing for Equity and Systemic Change
Kate Blanchard

– Contextualizing the UDL-CRT Framework in Teacher Preparation
Shawn Daley & Ying Hu

– By Any Othered Name: Addressing the Barrier of Racialization in Education
Carlos Hoyt

– Trauma Sensitive Schools & UDL
Melissa Sanjeh

Friday, August 7

– 10:45 – 11:00 am: Welcome Session

– 11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Keynote

We Gon’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom
Dr. Bettina Love
Please note: This keynote was NOT recorded, per presenter request.

– We Gon’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom
Dr. Bettina Love
Please note: This keynote was NOT recorded, per presenter request.

– 12:20 – 1:20 pm: Live Concurrent Sessions

Immersive Technology for English Language Learning — VR & AR
Jo Ann Arinder
Dismantling Barriers to Equity: Shifting from “Not Racist” to Anti-Racist
Jennifer Borrelli & Robin Williams
Equity by Design: The Power and Promise of UDL
Mirko Chardin & Katie Novak
Bringing UDL to International Scale: Higher Education and Beyond
Elizabeth M. Dalton, Susie Gronseth, Anamika Gupta & Radhike Khanna

– Immersive Technology for English Language Learning — VR & AR
Jo Ann Arinder

– Dismantling Barriers to Equity: Shifting from “Not Racist” to Anti-Racist
Jennifer Borrelli & Robin Williams

– Equity by Design: The Power and Promise of UDL
Mirko Chardin & Katie Novak

– Bringing UDL to International Scale: Higher Education and Beyond
Elizabeth M. Dalton, Susie Gronseth, Anamika Gupta & Radhike Khanna

– 1:40 – 2:40 pm: Live Concurrent Sessions

Disrupting Inequity through UDL: What is required of us?
Liz Berquist & Lisa Williams
Ensuring the Civil Rights of Language Learners: Linguistic Equity in Education
Ayana Cooper
Countering Islamophobia: A Cultural Diversity Seminar for Educators
Ameena Jandali & Ishaq Pathan
Please note: This session was NOT recorded, per presenter request.
Access Denied to UDL?
Susan Shapiro

– Disrupting Inequity through UDL: What is required of us?
Liz Berquist & Lisa Williams

– Ensuring the Civil Rights of Language Learners: Linguistic Equity in Education
Ayana Cooper

– Countering Islamophobia: A Cultural Diversity Seminar for Educators
Ameena Jandali & Ishaq Pathan
Please note: This session was NOT recorded, per presenter request.

– Access Denied to UDL?
Susan Shapiro

– 3:00 – 4:00 pm: Closing Keynote & Next Steps

Mona Lisa’s Smile: Leonardo DaVinci and the Future of the UDL Guidelines
Dr. David Rose
Rising to Action: Next Steps for the UDL Guidelines and How You Can Be Involved
Jenna Gravel & Nicole Tucker-Smith

– Mona Lisa’s Smile: Leonardo DaVinci and the Future of the UDL Guidelines
Dr. David Rose

– Rising to Action: Next Steps for the UDL Guidelines and How You Can Be Involved
Jenna Gravel & Nicole Tucker-Smith

– We Gon’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom
Dr. Bettina Love
Please note: This keynote was NOT recorded, per presenter request.

– Immersive Technology for English Language Learning — VR & AR
Jo Ann Arinder

– Dismantling Barriers to Equity: Shifting from “Not Racist” to Anti-Racist
Jennifer Borrelli & Robin Williams

– Equity by Design: The Power and Promise of UDL
Mirko Chardin & Katie Novak

– Bringing UDL to International Scale: Higher Education and Beyond
Elizabeth M. Dalton, Susie Gronseth, Anamika Gupta & Radhike Khanna

– Disrupting Inequity through UDL: What is required of us?
Liz Berquist & Lisa Williams

– Ensuring the Civil Rights of Language Learners: Linguistic Equity in Education
Ayana Cooper

– Countering Islamophobia: A Cultural Diversity Seminar for Educators
Ameena Jandali & Ishaq Pathan
Please note: This session was NOT recorded, per presenter request.

– Access Denied to UDL?
Susan Shapiro

– Mona Lisa’s Smile: Leonardo DaVinci and the Future of the UDL Guidelines
Dr. David Rose

– Rising to Action: Next Steps for the UDL Guidelines and How You Can Be Involved
Jenna Gravel & Nicole Tucker-Smith

Pre-recorded Sessions

The Intersection of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning
Blake Beckett & Carla-Ann Brown

Autism, UDL & Equity: Learner’s Voice on Inequities and Designing for Inclusion
Grant Blasko & Michael McSheehan

HELPing Teachers with Equity through UDL
Mary Murphy Budzilowicz, Amber Gentile & Ronald W. Whitaker

SNUDLE for the 21st-Century Learner: Leveling the playing field in Science
Linda Butler, Tracey Hall & Kristin Robinson

Addressing Inequities in Engagement through Listening to ‘Pulse’ of Students
Anne Childers & Baxter Mante

Choose Your Words Carefully: Equitable Environments in Early Childhood Education
Anne Childers & Michele Sherer

UDL and Inclusive Instructional Design Perspectives from Around the Globe
Elizabeth M. Dalton, Susie Gronseth & Radhike Khanna

Organizing, Negotiating and Reimagining Ability: UDL’s Transformative and Discursive Potential
Beth Fornauf

Creating Pathways to Equity, Agency, and Self-Advocacy using the UDL Lens
Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles & Kathleen McClaskey

Using UDL to Achieve Equity in Reading Instruction
Lenny Greaney & Megan Marie Van Fossan

21st-Century STEM Learners: Supporting Career Exploration and Readiness for Opportunity Youth
Tracey Hall & Cara Wojcik

Universal, Equity-focused Design Thinking: From Opportunity Gaps to Limitless Learning
Jo Ann Hanrahan & Shara Watkins

UDL and Linguistic Equity: Opportunities and Challenges
Ying Hu

Science for all: Integrating UDL with inquiry-based instruction
Meagan Karvonen, Sarah Koebley & Lindsay Ruhter

Curators of their Own Learning: UDL and AP Art History at the Worcester Art Museum
Timmary Leary

Reimagining MTSS through UDL: Examining systems through the lens of equity
Loui Lord Nelson & Michael McSheehan

Opportunity Youth Rising: Supporting Students and Teachers Design for Equity
Matthew Love & Sung Park

Equity for all: Access and the Narrative of Frederick Douglass
Lynn McCormack & Kristin Robinson

Promoting Peer Acceptance of Diverse Learners in Inclusive Learning Environments
Angel Morgan

Applying UDL Principles in Hispanic Parent-Directed Reading Project for Children with Autism
Angela Smith & Hsuying C. Ward

UDL and the Impact of Growth Mindset: Creating Accessibility for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Charmelle Smith

UDL’s Dichotomies: “The Hurdles for Equity”
Liliana Vidal

Individualizing Math Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners
Nancy Weinstein & Jess Gropen