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Find CAST at ATIA 2023

January 31, 2023 - February 4, 2023

Learn more & register for ATIA 2023
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Over the past 23 years, ATIA has been a community gathering for assistive technology practitioners, teachers, parents and caregivers, persons with disabilities and more to learn, network and share on the best in assistive technology. We are excited to gather together for ATIA 2023, January 31 – February 4, 2023, in Orlando, Florida and virtually!

Find us at the conference!

Visit our CAST of Characters at these fantastic sessions and events at ATIA 2023!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

  • Leadership at All Levels: Making Digital Learning Accessible and Inclusive for Every Learner in Your District
    Wednesday, February 1 | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm ET
    Presenters: Maggie Pickett, Michelle Soriano, & Cynthia Curry
    Challenged by systemic barriers that keep students who use AT from full independence and participation in the gen ed curriculum? Discover a framework of evidence-based practices, co-developed by a cohort of diverse school districts across the country, for guiding effective collaboration across EdTech and AT to accomplish inclusive digital learning opportunities for students with disabilities. These practices align with leadership, teaching, learning, assessment, technology infrastructure, and family engagement. Take action with self-assessments and field guides that can be deployed in your own district. Continue the learning by joining our Community of Practice for creating and sustaining inclusive technology and education systems.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

  • Love It Or… List It!: Vetting Apps for Accessibility
    Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 8:30 – 9:30 am ET
    Presenters: Luis Pérez, Christine Fox, & Cynthia Curry
    Join this session to gain insight on easy-to-implement techniques that can help the busy educator vet apps for accessibility quickly to decide which ones should be loved (and kept) and which ones should be… listed (as in passed on)! While it is important to ensure apps meet accessibility requirements, we recognize that educators and practitioners have many demands already placed on them. Our goal for this session is to demystify vetting for accessibility. That way, we can direct our limited resources to those apps that will better meet the needs of all of our learners.
  • In a World of PDFs be an EPUB
    Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 9:45 – 10:45 am ET
    Moderator: Luis Pérez
    All across the world PDFs have become the norm for sharing content digitally. We know as educators that PDFs have a tendency to not be accessible for all learners. In this session, participants will learn what the definition of a PDF is and discuss how to make them accessible. Next, participants will learn the definition of an EPub, why we should move to EPubs, different EPub repositories, how they can create free EPubs, and different EPub readers.
  • EDU-21: Keep C.A.L.M. and AEM Higher – Accessibility Campaigns and Inclusive Outreach
    Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 9:45 – 10:45 am ET
    Moderator: Cynthia Curry
    The 2018 refresh of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 required the adoption of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, level AA, as the standard of expected accessibility by any college or university receiving federal funds. The creation and publication of accessible digital content aligned to these standards (including web pages, documents, images, videos, and audio) can be challenging across a large institution. The Quality Indicators and Critical Components for the Provision of Accessible Educational Materials and Accessible Technologies from the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials can serve as the foundation for strategically planning institution-wide campaigns and outreach to ensure the timely provision of accessible materials and technologies aligned to WCAG standards. This session will unpack the various campaigns, including the Choose Accessible Learning Materials (C.A.L.M.) initiative, and communities of practice working to transform the digital accessibility footprint and inclusivity across Virginia Tech campuses.
  • Purchasing Accessible Materials and Technologies from the Beginning
    Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET
    Presenters: Cynthia Curry & Luis Pérez
    Purchasing accessible materials and technologies directly from vendors means that learners with disabilities who use assistive technology (AT) are more likely to have access at the same time as everyone else. Not only that, but products that are designed to be accessible from the beginning can have features that enable all students to customize their learning experience. In this session, you’ll be equipped with strategies and templates to prepare for your agency’s next instructional material or ed tech purchase.
  • IT & AT: Quality Inclusive Practices to Ensure Access & Student Privacy
    Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 2:15 – 3:15 pm ET
    Presenters: Christine Fox, Tara Courchaine, & Cynthia Curry
    Discuss critical infrastructure considerations related to inclusive practices include device capacity, the management and interoperability of devices, the accessibility of technology tools and resources and the security of the systems to ensure the privacy of student data. IT and AT leaders must collaborate to ensure that all district leaders and educators adhere to best practices related to student information so that not one student’s information is compromised. This session will provide a general overview of the CITES Framework, highlight the infrastructure practices as aligned to the National Ed Tech Plan and dig into the specifics regarding student data privacy practices and resources.
  • Engaging Families in Technology Planning & Use: A Symbiotic Endeavor
    Thursday, February 2, 2023 | 4:30 – 5:30 pm ET
    Presenters: Maggie Pickett, Michelle Soriano, & Cynthia Curry
    Join the CAST team to explore the symbiotic relationship between educators and families during technology planning and use via the CITES Family Engagement practices across the CITES Framework. The intentional planning and training of family members and caregivers of all students is essential to building inclusive systems. For students with disabilities, ensuring families understand the use of technology, especially AT, is critical to achieving positive outcomes. The goal of the CITES framework is to empower school districts to create and sustain inclusive technology systems that serve all students, including students with disabilities who require assistive technologies and/or accessible educational materials (

Friday, February 3, 2023

  • Accessible Educational Materials in the IEP: Why, Where, and How
    Friday, February 3, 2023 | 8:30 – 9:30 am ET
    Presenters: Cynthia Curry & Michelle Soriano
    Individuals who engage with and serve as members of IEP teams will identify appropriate places within the IEP to refer to a student’s need and use of accessible educational materials and technologies. Participants will be provided with supporting resources and action steps to be prepared for their next IEP meeting. Be sure to bring your state or district IEP form.
  • Virtual Learning: Inclusive Policies and Practices that Support All Learners
    Friday, February 3, 2023 | 2:15 – 3:15 pm ET
    Presenters: Christine Fox, Tara Courchaine, & Cynthia Curry
    Learn about promising practices and areas of growth for addressing the needs of students with disabilities in fully virtual and hybrid online educational settings. Review what technology systems are used in these settings, the type of curriculum provided, and how the virtual schools support students with disabilities. Understand state and district policies related to students with disabilities, educational outcomes of these students, and the roles of parents and teachers in K-12 virtual education.
  • MWAT-08: How to Account for Accessibility in Web & Technology Purchase and Use Decisions, Room: Caribbean II
    Friday, February 3, 2023 | 2:15 – 3:15 pm ET
    Moderator: Cynthia Curry
    Our educational, workplace, and even social environments have a much larger digital component now than in January, 2022. We also rely more and more on third party vendors and partners to help us to provide these growing digital environments. Both of those being true, we need to talk about making sure that we include accessibility in our technology purchase and use decisions. All of our technology platforms need to be as accessible as possible. Join me to discuss how to better account for accessibility in these decisions.

We’ll meet you there!

Learn more & register for ATIA 2023