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Universal Design for Learning in Mathematics Instruction, K-5

In this fast-paced, engaging new title in the UDL Now! series, Katie Novak and Ashley Marlow apply their expertise in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and equitable, inclusive instruction to the elementary math curriculum, answering questions from educators such as:

  • What can I do to improve the math learning experience for my students and for myself?
  • How do I create a math learning environment that sends the message that we are all capable mathematicians?
  • What support and additional professional learning would I benefit from to make this happen?

The authors build on the critical work of the Algebra Project and the research-based principles of UDL to show that we can-and must-offer rigorous mathematics learning to all K-5 learners. They deserve no less, and with creative, universally designed instruction, we can deliver on that fundamental civil right.

Topics include:

  • Cultivating early numeracy skills
  • Growing positive mathematical mindsets
  • Unlocking access to additive reasoning
  • Deepening multiplication and division understanding
  • Inviting learners into the world of fractions

Learn more by reading a PDF of the Introduction.

Universal Design for Learning in Mathematics, K-5 is available in paperback ($28, 136 pages, ISBN: 9781943085309) and EPUB ($28, ISBN: 9781943085316) format wherever books are sold.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction: Sparking Inclusive Practices in Mathematics (Download Introduction PDF)
  • Chapter 1: Math Education: Where It Has Been and Where It Needs to Go
  • Chapter 2: Breaking the Echo: Mathematics as Inquiry and Inclusion
  • Chapter 3: Growing Positive Mathematical Mindsets for Teachers and Students
  • Chapter 4: Cultivating Early Numeracy Skills
  • Chapter 5: Unlock Access to Additive Reasoning
  • Chapter 6: Deepening Multiplication and Division Understanding
  • Chapter 7: Inviting Students Into the World of Fractions
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Index
  • About the Authors
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Praise for Universal Design for Learning in Mathematics, K-5

It is past time we face the fact that too many of our students miss out on the joy and satisfaction of learning authentic mathematics. In Universal Design for Learning Mathematics Instruction, K-5, Novak and Marlow describe mathematics instruction, teacher and student mindsets, and classroom culture that can foster success for all students. I believe the strength of this work are the clear and practical examples of UDL based instructional practices in the context of important grade level mathematical topics such as early numeracy, additive and multiplicative reasoning, and fractions. Universal Design for Learning Mathematics Instruction, K-5 should be required reading for all K-5 math teachers and instructional leaders.”

- Robert Laird, co-author of A Focus on Fractions: Bringing Mathematics Education Research to the Classroom and more

This book is an essential guide for educators committed to making math accessible to all students. Novak and Marlow expertly blend UDL principles with math teaching strategies to create inclusive, engaging environments that support diverse learners. This book empowers teachers to build confident, capable mathematicians and ensure every student feels valued and included in their math journey.”

- Lateefah Id-Deen, PhD, Associate Professor, Mathematics Education, Department of Elementary & Early Childhood Education, Kennesaw State University

If you are new to teaching mathematics or have been teaching for 40 years, you will love this book as every page gives you a perspective of how to create thinkers, not mimickers, of mathematics.”

- Karen Gartland, PreK-8 Mathematics Supervisor, Groton-Dunstable (MA) School District

Novak and Marlow have just delivered a game-changing resource for math teachers who are committed to helping ALL students build a better relationship with math. This is more than just a guide; it's a call to action for transforming the way we teach and empower the next generation of learners.”

- Vanessa Vakharia, Author of Math Therapy: 5 Steps to Help Your Students Overcome Math Trauma and Build a Better Relationship With Math

Katie Novak, EdD, is an internationally renowned educational consultant, adjunct instructor at the University of Pennsylvania, best-selling author, a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts, and founder of Novak Education Consulting. With over 20 years of experience in education, Novak has authored 15 books, including the best-seller UDL Now!. With a global reach spanning 33 states and 28 countries, Novak’s guidance has significantly shaped educational practices on an international scale.

You can find Katie online at and on Twitter/X at @KatieNovakUDL.

Ashley Marlow, MSEd, is an elementary math coach, a consultant, and the director of operations for All Learners Network. She has 13 years of experience in teaching and coaching and is passionate about supporting teachers of experience in creating equitable learning opportunities in math. Ashley plans professional learning opportunities focusing on instructional routines in mathematics that support belonging, engagement, and access to rigorous grade-level content for all students.

You can find Ashley’s work at or on Twitter/X at @MarlowMathVT.