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Matt Brambilla

Web Developer/Accessibility Specialist
Photo of a green apple on black background

Matt is excited to officially be joining CAST in the full-time position of Web Developer/Accessibility Specialist. Prior to officially joining CAST, Matt was an independent contractor providing web development and programming services, for over the past 20 years (mostly for CAST). During such time, he assisted in creating a wide array of interactive and accessible learning applications. Some notable sites over the years include UDL BookBuilder, Clusive, EportFolio/STEMFolio, along with multiple versions of both Snudle and Corgi. Before that, Matt worked for multiple dot com startups as a web developer. He is also the creator and lead developer of CAST Figuration, a front-end framework that focuses on WCAG compliant design and interactive components that follow WAI-ARIA patterns. Figuration has been used in most of CAST’s web sites and applications since its inception.

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Matt holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering from University of Massachusetts Amherst.